Thursday, October 4, 2007

Not one of them.....

There are people that write about happy and fun things in their life. I am not one of them. Trust me, if there was something wonderous and great to write about, I would. There just isn't any of that going on right now. When you are left high and dry by those you love, it's a little difficult to be excited about your now miserable existance. What the hell do I have to be happy about? Not much of anything. What's so new about that though? I am such an emotional freak or something that people won't stay my friend. That's why I shouldn't have moved to this hell hole of a state. At least in Kentucky I can get drunk and have those who love me around. It's not like anyone will read this anyway....

1 comment:

Sister Willison said...

Aww megan im here for you call me sometime Ill just listen to u if u just need to yell at someone im here for u !!