Sunday, October 14, 2007

We'll see...

Some people have asked so I decided to deliver the answer. This is my arm. This is also the tattoo of a star on my wrist. Yes it is real. Yes it did hurt A LOT! Yes my mother was pissed about it. But she will have to get over it. I like tattoos. It's the one thing that I can do to my body that isn't all that self-destructive. When I am 80, yes it will still be there but I will probably still love it. In fact, I wanna get another one. Some of my friends told me that I shouldn't get anymore. One of them even has a tat of her own. I don't see what the huge deal is. Whatever...onto other business....

I have had a touch of catastrophe strike my life in that last few hours. My sunglasses....the beloved ones that I love, have gone missing. Or as I believe it, they have been stolen. By the way, how pathetic is it that I blog out sunglasses? Back to the matter at hand, I think that someone in this house has stolen them. They will pay! I mean, these weren't really nice or even expensive shades (I got em on sale for like $8 at WetSeal) but they are my favorite things in the world. They are my signature accessory! Where are they??!!

Anyway, I was looking at old pictures today of me and my friends that I don't really hang out with anymore and it made me sad. Those were fun days. But, whatever, I'm not going to dwell on that because most of those people don't even know me now.

So, I'm sitting here listening to The Sounds and thinking about how weird I am. I think I'm going to paint my nails black or so hang out with some of my skater kid friends. At least they are cool and listen to good music. I need to hang with some people. There are several people that I want to chill with that I never have before. I'm afraid that they are too cool for me though. How sad would that be if they really thought they were? They are too cool to think that they are too cool though. I mean, these people are cool! Anyway, the point is that I want to be part of them. We'll see. We'll see....

Positive Tension by Bloc Party

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