Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I was re-doing my "About Me" section on myspace today and decided to add what I wrote to a blog. It's just some really random yet interesting things about good ol' me.

I'm from Kentucky originally but I'm not really much of a redneck. I've lived in Utah for two years now. I would love to be a vegetarian but have yet to give up chicken for good. I sometimes think in a British accent. I collect phrasebooks and read them constantly. My favorite color used to be blue but is now black. I love the way my skin looks when I have a tan. Writing is my passion and I am always writing something. I consider myself to be artsy though I can't draw or paint. I wear big sunglasses. I love shoes and buy them constantly. Music is also my passion. I love Grey's Anatomy and have seen every episode at least three times. I can remember tiny details about everything. I once said all 13 Articles of Faith in 1 minute and 20 seconds. I played soccer in high school and got the most yellow cards of anyone. Ever. I have curly hair but never wear it curly. There are about 5 different careers that I want to go into. I can't decided which one to do. I love all things medical. I am adopted and know next to nothing about my real parents. I hate it when people use incorrect spellings or punctuations. I can sometimes have a bad temper. I can't lift my eyebrow like The Rock. I go on drives to clear my head. I overuse the word "naturally". I have three tattoos (so far) but my mother only knows about two. I almost never blow-dry my hair. I once drove all the way from Seattle Washington to Provo Utah without stopping to sleep. I sold my car to move to Utah on a Wed. and was out here that Sat. I am totally a horn honker. I love Cherry/Grape Slushes from Sonic. I use ... too much in text and email conversation. I put off everything until the last moment. I work better under pressure. I hate bad drivers. I love ketchup but hate regular tomatoes. I think pickles are digusting. I always cry during "The Notebook". I am a hopeless romantic. I get tattoos mostly because I like the pain. I daydream all the time. I never sleep. I wish I could sleep. I am always too scared to tell a boy that I like him. I love talking about celebrities as if I know them. I say things before I think about them. I should wear a belt but I don't. I hate the way a hoodie feels if you wash it too much. I overuse bobbipens. I mark "Other" when something asks me my ethnicity. I was in dance class for ten years. I save movie stubs. I own over 400 CD's. I hate feet, touching them or them touching me. I love the way babies smell. I used to live in Park City. I once saw Reese Witherspoon in Opry Mills Mall in Nashville. I love stilettos. I love eyeliner but hate mascara. I secretly love Bluegrass music. I've always wished I could play the violin. I collect friends who are prettier than me. I always have two hair ties on my wrist. It takes me a long time to get over things. I like wearing things that make people ask themselves what I was thinking. I love cereal. I can cook but chose not to. I'm not very crafty. I got my sense of humor from my dad. I love Snoop Dogg's voice. I like black people better than white people. Racism makes me very angry. The place where I went to elementary doesn't exist anymore. I hate cold weather and being cold but hate having the heat on. I am intolorant of ignorant people. I hate stubborn people even though I am. I have been in many fist fights. I love Shiny Toy Guns. I still love Britney Spears. I like Angelina Jolie better when she was crazy. I think "douchebag" is a funny word. I love those skanky reality dating shows on VH1. I hate mustard but I love honey mustard. I love making t-shirts with random sayings on them. I have shaved my arms since I was a freshman in high school. I was born with brown eyes (only 10% of babies are). The only video game I like is Donkey Kong Kountry. I have fonder family memories with other people's families and not my own. I used to fish everyday after school. I come from "The Catfish Capital of the World". I love dancing but am more likely to do it in front of people I don't know. I never wear my retainers. I rarely go a day without watching the E! Channel. I've had my favorite pair of jeans since my junior year of high school. I have yet to get tired of Imogen Heap, with whom I am almost obsessed. I have a thing for stars. I really like Lindsay Lohan but I hate Paris Hilton. Smells and sounds remind me of things buried in my past. I love milk. I almost always remember my dreams. I love, love, love going to concerts. I talk to the mother of a friend of mine more than I talk to my friend. I am close friends with my freshman P.E./Health teacher. I once got drunk with my band director from middle school. I got caught at a party by my dad's best friend Robin (who was also drunk). She didn't tell on me luckily. I have nearly 40 pairs of shoes. I hate lotion but wear it anyway. Sometimes I forget how to spell "of". "Fart" was a bad word in my house growing up. I called my high school algebra teacher "Big Red". Though my family is Mormon, my little sister Torah is named after the Jewish Bible. I hate cats. At my house in Kentucky, there are Christmas lights on the front porch all year long. I can't sleep if there is light anywhere. I suck at saving money. I am fluent in American Sign Language. I named my son after my best girl friend. My mom can't pronouce "aluminum" even though she has a Rank 1 Master's Degree. She also can't say "Colorado" correctly. I hate it when people are walking behind me. I've been to 34 states which is 11% of the world. I am one of the only Democrats in my home county. Large American Flags give me the creeps. I love pancakes. I hate high pitched noises. I love being barefoot. I have a list of names to name my kids. Some of them are names like Jude, Zephyr, and Cash for a boy. I hate wearing a bra. There are about 8 languages that I want to learn. I like hiking and rock climbing. I love bands that no one has heard of. I hate it when people don't text, call, email, or write back. I am almost never late. I cuss when I'm angry. I don't like actually running but I love the way you feel afterwards. I like checking the mail. I once kicked my little sister in the ribs as hard as I could. I was in high school and she was in middle school. I rode the bus to school until I got into high school. My first car was a 94 light blue Honda Accord. I am obsessed with Youtube. I am emotionally retarded. I get too involved with the characters on Grey's Anatomy. I don't bite my nails but I bite the skin around them. I pop my knuckles. My favorite piece of jewelry is a $10 ring from Lerner New York. My Grandma Ruby welded ships together for the Navy during WWII. I want to name my first daughter after her-Ruby Jane. I only have one living grandparent left. I can quote all of Mean Girls. I like pillows. I went to Jamaica in high school and my parents still don't know about it. I've been arrested twice. I have a scar on my neck from getting shot with a paint ball. My best subject in high school was history. I lived in my car for a month. I slept on Kristen's floor for a week. Later that same summer, I lived in my car again. I have since totaled my car. I think it's a good thing I'm not homeless. I spell "colour" and "theatre" like that. I used to go to sleep to A Perfect Circle. I love singing at the top of my lungs in the car. I put grape jam on my grilled cheese. Only a handful of people have seen me in my glasses. I can't think of anything else. You didn't want to know as it is probably. Enjoy anyway.

1 comment:

kristen said...

silly megan. you can't hate white people and racism at the same time.... so just go with white people. embrace your racist heart.