Sunday, February 3, 2008

Late night ramblings of an insomniac...

It's like almost 4 AM. What am I doing up? I don't know but at this point I might as well just stay up. I have had some things on my mind lately so I suppose now is as good a time as any to unleash them on the world. For starters, I have decided that boys in Provo Utah do not possess balls. I have bigger ones than they do! It's sad and annoying. If you like a girl, ask her the hell out!! Boys amaze me with their stupidity. They can go and knock on complete strangers doors for two years yet they can't ask a cute girl out. No wonder I'm already about to embrace the life of a spinster at the age of 21! There is no hope for the boys in this town. My type does not exist in the bubble of Provo. But, whatever...moving on.

I think that this freaking writer's strike has gone on long enough. Just give them some damn money already!! This has gone on for too long! I want my Grey's back, dang it!!

Britney Spears is back in the hospital. Thank goodness, I'm afraid she's gonna end up dead soon if something isn't done! I miss the old Britney. She was hot and good and not so white trash. Well, actually she was a little trashy but now she is just flat out insane. I want her to get some help so that she can get her career going and get custody of her kids. Poor girl. People do need to realize that she is not a bad person, she is just messed up. I know how that feels.

If you haven't seen Across the Universe, go rent it right now! It is ridiculously amazing and has inspired me beyond my wildest dreams. It's artsy and trippy (I swear I had like three acid flashbacks during it!) and the music is just breathtaking when matched with the visual experience they lay before you! Go watch it now!!

Um, let's see...I met a cute boy the other day. Which is strangely exciting. He is not from Provo and he lives in Orem. Though Orem may be next door, there are more normal men over there which is refreshing. His name is Chad. We started talking because of Anchorman as weird as that may seem. See, we were at our mutual friend Lee's house and this guy that was there had just gotten a dog. It is a dog just like Ron Burgundy's Baxter so when the dog came up and barked at me, I spouted off the ol "Baxter, you know I don't speak Spanish, in English please." Chad loved it and we spent the next few minutes quoting Anchorman. My nephew Alo was there with us and he was playing with him and laughing with him and that made him even cuter. Men that love kids are way hot, let's be honest.

So, I called my roommate Sarah a kumquat earlier, it was one of the many hilarious, roll off the couch moments of the night. The best was when her ex Jared (who lives across the grassy knoll from us) came over to borrow a pie pan. She gave it to him and then sat down and proceeded to talk about how cute he was. Then she realized that our window was open. Just then, someone knocked on the door. Sarah bolted into the next room while I had to awkwardly answer the door (it was Jared again). We nearly died once he was safely out of range. Funny funny. Me and Sarah have lots of fun times. We always end up laughing at our own laughs which is the silliest thing ever. Both of us have about ten different laughs each. Who does that?

Now I think that I am too tired to even go to sleep. I have to wake up at 10 for Stake Conference and that is only six hours away. I fear that if I go to bed now, I really won't wake up. I love sleeping so much but lately my sleep has been so messed up. Imsomnia is pathetic, I'll admit. I just want to go to sleep and wake up like a normal person. Instead, I stay up until like 3 and then sleep till 12 the next day. Bad bad bad.

Here's a question for the audience, is it totally wrong or awkward or something to have a huge crush on your best friend's older brother? I've known her brother as long as I've known her so we are pretty aquainted but I just wish he would ask me out. I feel like I'd be doing something wrong if I seriously tried to pursue him. He's just so hot and amazing though. He's smart, ambitious, really hot, funny and kind. Plus he's way strong in the gospel. Will I ever find a guy like him and I can actually go for?

That brings me to another question, why is it that the boys that you like, don't like you back? And why do the ones that are totally creepy/stalker-like/or just plain wrong the only ones who are interested? Stupid Provo.

Well, I think that is all for now. Stay tuned.

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