Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fake It Till You Make It

So, in the past I have had some seriously huge depression issues. Thankfully, my soul is a little sunnier lately. I haven't quite been able to put my finger on why but I like it. I have new roommates who are amazing which helps more than words can say. I love having people around me that lift me up, it's something new I must say. I'm trying to get my life together. It's going a little slower than I thought it would but that's okay. I'm still planning on going to school to be a doctor. I want to be a neo-natal surgeon as most people I know, know. I can't wait to get the ten years of school done!! Well, I have ten to twelve years of school plus and seven years of residency but still. Everyone just says, "Dude, that's 15 years of school!" but you know what, in 15 years I could either be a surgeon or not be one. Why not make $3 million a year?? I do however think that financial aid sucks ass. I can't get it to work for me currently and that blows. Though there are about forty things in my life that aren't working out I am bright and shiny. Well, sort of. I've been having a lot of stupid friend issues lately. I have several friends who have been treating me like crap and I want to resolve that. Then I have several friends who are mad at me for reasons unknown. I want to fix all this crap. My friends are my family so this sucks. Anyway, I am maintaining my bright and shiny uh.....facade until it is my really self that is bright and shiny.

"So Small by Carrie Underwood"

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